Welcome TO


In partnership with

The Vision School | The People Skills Academy

created by Barry Auchettl and Nancy Matthews

The Premise

"The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper."
~ Bertrand Russell

GROW TV is a collaboration between iHeart Radio, The Vision School, The People Skills Academy, and Fish Florida Media Group to create a platform which promotes content focused on happy, healthy lifestyles, successful businesses and betterment of the planet and humanity.

Through our partnership with Cinevideotech, who has over 50 years experience creating high-level film and television programs, we are developing a highly unique show with mass appeal and distribution.

Distribution Overview

Via our partnership with the distribution platform, Vuulr, and other entities, Grow TV will be promoted through multiple outlets to ensure maximum visibility.


Local cable TV, satellite TV and more, Grow TV will be made available to households in major markets in all 50 states.


Individual segments, show highlights, VLOGS, and behind the scenes content, will be regularly promoted via YouTube, Tik-Tok, Instagram, and potential streaming deals for maximum monetization and exposure.


Major radio stations, local radio, satellite radio, and other partners, Grow TV will be available to radio listeners all around the world.


In addition to nationwide radio distribution, we will be working with our partners in Television and Cable distribution to ensure maximum exploitation for Grow TV. 

Total television distribution will include but not be limited to:

Free to Air

Terrestrial/Broadcast TV ("Free to Air") - Terrestrial Free TV, Cable Free TV, and Satellite Free TV exploitation but does not include any form of PayPerView, Pay TV, Internet or ClosedNet form of exploitation.


Free Ad-supported Streaming TV - Digital Ad-supported, linear channels/streams are delivered over the internet and available from third party platforms.

Pay TV

Terrestrial Pay TV, Cable Pay TV and Satellite Pay TV exploitation but does not include any form of PayPerView, Free TV, Internet or ClosedNet exploitation.


Video on Demand service typically delivered over the internet to provide to a user who is required to pay a set fee for a specified period to stream the content along with other content available in the same manner.


Videon on Demand service provided to viewers free of charge monetized by advertising, typically delivered over the internet.

T-VOD (Rental)

Short-term license for acquiring and watching a program. Typically used for short-term rentals only for non-public viewing within a private living place. Here no admission fee is charged for such viewing.

EST (Electronic Sell Through)

A one-time purchase to own, typically digital downloads only for non-public viewing within a private living place where no admission fee is charged for such viewing.


Screening directly to an audience in planes, trains, buses, taxis, cruise liners or any other means of transportation. Can be Linear or Video on Demand.




Through the use of a combination of host-driven content, guest interviews, on-location filming, competition challenges and more, GROW TV will feature multiple segments which highlight topics such as:

Success and Personal Growth
Healthy Food Habits and Recipes
Celebrity Interviews
Physical and Emotional Well Being
Herbal /Natural Medicine
Positive Living & Mindset

Show Outline

The show will be a weekly, one (1) hour television and radio show, with forty-five (45) minutes allotted for content.

15 minutes - Content
5 minutes - Advertisers
10 minutes - Content
5 minutes - Advertisers
10 minutes - Content
5 minutes - Advertisers
10 minutes - Content

This format provides the opportunity for a total of 28 thirty (3) second advertisements, segment bumper ads, segment sponsors, product placement opportunities, and much more.


The show will have a combination of standing weekly segments and revolving segments to provide a wide variety of areas for growth Each segment will be designed to:

Bring in new audience markets
Expand opportunities for sponsorship
Create opportunities for viral content


Healthy Eating & Recipes

This segment will involve weekly recipes that explore our innate relationship with food, a love of cooking, and a respect for what we eat and how it affects our overall health and well-being. The goal of this segment will be to make home-grown ingredients and cooking accessible, and introduce the love of healthy cooking to new audiences, while focusing on key issues such as food sustainability.


Our Travel Correspondent or Show Host will visit and highlight a new destination, aimed at locations which promote peace, tranquility and/or spiritual growth.

Many of these travel experiences will include connecting with people, local cultures, and the great outdoors.


Growth & Success - Celebrity Interviews

This segment will focus on interviews between our Hosts and Guest Hosts with remarkable individuals who have a powerful story to share regarding their own personal growth and the elements that play into their ongoing success. We will feature a combination of Celebrity Interviews, as well as Influencers and Sponsored Guests.

Nature Remedies

Holistic & Functional Medicine

This segment is designed to bring nature's remedies and the body's natural ability to heal to the forefront so that our audience can grow into better health and vitality.

Money & Finance

Growing Your Money & Philanthropy

This segment will provide guidance on not only making more money, but keeping more of what you earn so that you are able to contribute more.


This segment will include topics that support enhanced communication, compassion and connection, such as:

Mental Health
Racial Equity & Diversity
Love & Romance
Family Dynamics


Production of weekly episodes will take place over nine (9) total filming days each month.

On location - 7 Days per month

In Studio - 2 Days per month

Post-Production will be completed in-house by the Cinevideotech team, who have over 30 years of industry experience preparing high-quality products for broadcast distribution.

Pre-Production Begins:

March 7, 2023


Meet The Team

The new OptimizePress Builder combines simplicity of a visual editing interface, with the power of supercharged marketing integrations to power your campaigns

Barry Auchettl

Host / Founder / Exec. Producer

Founder of The Vision School, Producer of movie, Vision2020: From Eyesight to Insight, International Speaker, Best-Selling Author. Originally from Australia, Barry champions causes which promote individuals improving their vision, clearing blocks, and embracing their power.

Nancy Matthews

Host / Founder / Producer

Founder of The People Skills Academy, Women's Prosperity Network, acclaimed International Speaker and Best-Selling Author who has been sharing the principles of her book, The One Philosophy with audiences world-wide since 2010. She brings more than 30 years experience in marketing, sales & leadership.

Victoria Brinkley

Executive Producer

With over 30 years of experience in advertising, media buying and production, combined with television and radio distribution, Victoria ensures the projects she's involved in achieve the reach, impact and revenue goals for sponsors and advertisers. She is the founder of the Fish Florida Association which brings tremendous exposure to wildlife, boating, and conservation initiatives across the state of Florida.

Zack J. Matthews


zack is a highly experienced producer who specializes in a wide array of Film, Television, and Commercial content across Florida, for companies and brands such as Netflix, Airbnb, Anheuser Busch, The Daily Show, Warner Music, Lifetime Movie Network, HBO Sports, and more.

Jason Sutton

Show Writer

With a Masters in Screenwriting, Jason has been creating Film and Television productions for over 10 years, on programs for Showtime, Tubi, and many more. His recent work includes "NCIS New Orleans" and "Your Honor."

Courtney Amora

Sponsorship & Talent Liason

Courtney brings vast experience in customer relations as well as in television and film productions to ensure sponsors and talent are positioned for maximum impact and return on investment.



250k / annually 

Four (4) placements available 

Featured Logo Placement

Product Placement

Bumper Ads

52 Week Television Ad Campaign

52 Week Radio Ad Campaign

Curated Segments

Guest Appearances

Custom Advertising


100k / annually 

Twenty-Six (26) placements available

Featured Logo Placement

Bumper Ads

Curated Segments

Host Mentions

52 Week Television Ad Campaign

52 Week Radio Ad Campaign

Guest Appearances


50k / annually 

Twenty-Eight (28) placements available

Featured Logo Placement

Segment Bumper Ads

Curated Segments

52 Week Radio Ad Campaign

Host Mentions



Twenty-Six (26) Placements Available

This package gives you the opportunity to be a Featured Guest on two (2) show segments and also includes:

Two (2) Curated Show Segments

52 Segment Bumper Ads - 15 second advertisement, both in digitabl distribution and social media campaign

2 Week Radio Ad Campaign

Host Mentions
The Week Prior to Your Appearance



Twenty-Six (26) Placements Available

This package gives you the opportunity to be a Featured Guest on one (1) show segment and also includes:

One (1) Curated Show Segments

18 Segment Bumper Ads - 15 second advertisement, both in digitabl distribution and social media campaign

2 Week Radio Ad Campaign

Host Mentions
The Week Prior to Your Appearance



Custom Pricing Information Available Upon Request

Grow Your Business with Grow TV

Contact Info:

Victoria Brinkley 
Tel: 561.900.4283